Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Priority

The Priority

“ Reducing global poverty is an international priority. By managing the dispensation of aid efficiently and productively in line with the ideals of Islam, Muslim Aid Asia aims to set the standard in combating poverty in Southeast Asia and the Far East. ”

Muslim Aid Asia is the official representative office of Muslim Aid Australia, an international aid relief and development agency that works to eradicate poverty and alleviate human suffering in the world’s poorest communities.

Muslim Aid has worked for decades to deliver urgent aid to the world’s most distressed and poorest people across all continents, regardless of race and religion. Although we are an Islamic body, our aid crosses all boundaries.

Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that Muslims make up the largest number of the global disadvantaged, and one of our paramount roles as an Islamic charity is to extend a helping hand to our fellow Muslims.

One of the motives behind the formation of Muslim Aid is to highlight the plight of these global Muslims and ignite compassion, empathy and the willingness to help among affluent Muslims in developed nations. Furthermore, Muslim Aid aims to nurture a charitable mindset among Muslims globally by making donations easy and secure through online credit card payments and bank transfers.

You can be rest assured that we do not condone terrorism, violence or any form of subversive activities and that monies raised are used to fund aid and sustainable development activities that are fully in line with Islamic guidelines and best ethical practices.

We also subscribe to international standards of transparency and disclosure, and aim to operate efficiently and productively. Currently, only 14% of funds raised are used for administration and 3% for fundraising while the remaining 83% is used solely for aid relief. This is one of the most efficient costs to aid ratios within the charitable organisation sector.

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